Jan 19, 2012

February- April Class List!!!

It's finally here! Please call or email to reserve your spot as space is limited!

February 4th 1-3pm $45
Learn the basics of using a spinning wheel. Find out how to make a single, double, and triple ply yarn. Learn some of the history behind the wheels while making your own yarn. Learn proper maintenance of the wheel to keep it running smoothly for years of use. Learn how to use a drop spindle and try your hand at several different types of drop spindles.  All materials included.

February 18th 1:30- 3:30 $35
Bread Baking:
Learn the history of grain and processing. Grind grain manually and electrically. Learn how easy, quick, nutritious, and delicious it is to grind and bake. What about sprouted wheat and different grains? Hard vs. soft grain, spelt, quinoa, and much more. Incorporate fresh ground whole wheat and all it’s benefits in all your cooking. Even those with gluten allergies have been able to tolerate this less processed or sprouted grain bread recipes. Learn all the basics at this one-day class. Instructor has been grinding grain and baking for 12 years.

February 25th 1-4:30 $60
Continuous Strand Weaving on a Triangle loom:
Learn a weaving technique that is enjoying a revival. Thought to have been developed by the Vikings the Continuous Strand weaving method is a fun and easy way to weave your own shirts, ponchos, coats, bags, shawls… anything! This method has no warping or setting up time! Makes symmetrical patterns with little to no planning and has no yarn waste. It is a finished product when it comes off the loom! All materials included.

March 3rd 1-2:30pm $35
Tincture making:
Learn the differences between an alcohol, vinegar, and glycerin based tincture while making each one. Find out what herbs work best in tincture form and how they can help you.

March 3rd 3-4:30pm $35
Salve making: Make your own herbal salves. Learn the whole process and find out what herbs are best for what healing. Find out just how easy it is and how fun it is to make new combinations!


March 24th 10am-12 $35
Intro to fiber arts:  get your feet wet in the wonderful world of fiber! Try your hand at many different types of fiber art such as, spinning, rigid heddle weaving, needle felting, and wet felting. This is a great chance to see what you may like the best. All materials provided.

March 24th 1:30-4 $50
Advanced spinning and blending art batts: Learned the basics and want to do more? This is a great class to learn many fun and new techniques. Navajo plying, core spinning, slub and tail spinning and how to blend your our art batts! All materials for spinning and blending provided.

March 30th 1:30-4:30 $45
Fermenting foods: Keep your GI tract running smooth by adding fermented foods to your diet. Learn how to make and use fermented foods such as sourdough, kombucha, rejuvelac, kvass, and others.

April 7th 1:30-3:30 $35
Yogurt and cheese: Come see how inexpensive and easy it is to make your own yogurt and ricotta cheese. Regular milk will be transformed into delicious and nutritious yogurt and cheese. In the way of Nourishing Traditions the whey will be used and not thrown out. Learn about raw milk benefits. Only normal household kitchen equipment will be used. Anyone can do this in their own home. Raw milk is NOT necessary to make your own yogurt and cheese.

April 1-4:30pm $60
Beginning rigid heddle weaving: Learn how easy and fun a simple rigid heddle can be. Warp and weave your own bag or table runner during the class time. A great introduction to such a versitale art.

Fabulous Fiber Fridays!
March 2,9,16,23,30th from 2-3:30 $12 per child per class or sign up for all 5 class for $50!

March 2nd
Silk: An amazing thread in the fabric in our history
Follow the life cycle of a Bombyx Mori as it creates one the most amazing fabrics on earth: silk! During this program children will find out just what it takes for the silkworm to make silk and learn some of the science behind it. They will have the chance to watch as we extract silk the way it has been done for hundreds of years and even get to try it themselves. Learn how the ancient Chinese discovered this amazing fiber and why they wanted to keep it a secret. Follow the Silk Road as it spans thousands of miles, hundreds of years and many different cultures. Learn how the silk trade fueled people's passion for exploration and how silk even played a part in the discovery of America! Learn the art of silk painting while painting your own silk scarf!

March 9th
Weave a story: Navajo weaving
What makes the Navajo weaving so special? Find out how hard it really is and how long it really takes to prepare for and weave a Navajo tapestry. Listen to the legends and lore surrounding Navajo weaving and discover how much weaving was and still is a part of their life. Find out the impact the changing times had on the weaving community and life of the Navajos. Follow the story of a young Navajo girl on the path to becoming a weaver and the story of a special tapestry through the eyes of the goat who’s hair is woven into it while working on your own weaving.

March 16th
Processing: From Sheep to Shawl
The History of our Clothes
Learn just what it takes to go from “wooly mess” to “wooly dress” We will cover the whole process of growing the fiber, shearing, skirting, picking, washing, carding/combing, and spinning. How it has changed over the centuries starting with only our hands to rocks to ornately carved top whorls and finally to the spinning wheel. Learn fun and interesting facts about world history such as the effect wool had on the revolutionary war and how cotton spurred the civil war on. Learn about many different fibers: alpaca, rabbit, goat, sheep, and fun plant fibers such as corn and soy! Kids will make their own drop spindle and become a part of such an amazing legacy!

March 23rd
Needle Felting: A new twist on an old art
Learn to “paint” with fiber and how to sculpt with wool! It’s a fun and rewarding project using only needles, wool and a foam base. Decorate a book mark and make your own 3D ladybug!

March 30th
Felting: A fabric of life
Learn the ancient art of wet felting and who used it. Follow the nomadic Mongols as they perfect the process of making their houses or yurts, out of this amazing fabric. Discover how the Turks make special hats out of felt and how the people of Kyrgystan make beautiful rugs even today! Using only wool, water, soap, and some elbow grease you will make your own felted bookmark and Easter egg!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, where have I been? So glad I found you guys through Slow Food! Will definitely be joining you guys for a couple of these classes. Really looking forward to it!
